Grow your fitness business

5 Ways to Grow Your Online Fitness Business During the Pandemic

Let’s face it:

This pandemic has been disruptive on so many levels. One area where the pandemic has made a significant impact is the online fitness sphere.  The good news is, we are here to help if you’ve been struggling lately.  Boost the quality of your service, attract more clients, and earn the right to charge higher prices with these five creative tips:


1. Boost Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool you should use to increase your credibility and show potential clients that you’re the real deal. The best part? You can take advantage of this right away.

Go to your current clients, online and in-person ones, and ask. Explain your situation and ask them to write or record a small testimonial for you. Most of them would be happy to do that if you’ve delivered value to them in one form or another.

For example, you could ask them to share what they most like about working with you, how you’ve helped them directly, and even share some before and after pictures as proof.

Display these testimonials to get the attention of other people, and this could convert them into clients. This is great for building personal trainer branding and making a name for yourself.


2. Track Your Clients’ Progress

As a coach, it’s your job to keep a close eye on your clients and measure how things are going for them. For one, this allows you to get better results for your clients. Second, this helps keep them accountable.

When clients know they have to report to you regularly, they will be much more motivated to finish their workouts and stay consistent with their nutritional plan.

While it may not seem important, accountability is roughly half of what your clients pay for. Everyone needs some accountability, so make sure the person holding clients responsible is you.

For accurate tracking, you can create a video of yourself explaining how to measure correctly. Clients can then upload photos and input their measurements in an app. You can also use nutritional software for personal trainers if you also offer dietary guidance.

Remember to cheer your clients on by congratulating them on their progress. This can be incredibly motivational for them.


3. Make Your Clients Feel Special

Creating specialized content for your clients is something you can do right now to set yourself apart from your competition and make your clients feel special.

For example, you can create exclusive videos for your clients as part of your guidance for them. When putting together a training program, you can record a simple video for them with extra thoughts on the choices you’ve made, recommendations, and encouraging words.

It might seem insignificant, but a simple minute-long video can make your clients feel special.


4. Take Advantage of Challenges

Let’s face it:

Keeping your clients engaged can be difficult. Motivation doesn’t last forever, and many trainers struggle to keep their clients devoted to the process.

Taking advantage of challenges is great because it fixes this for you. Knowing that clients have something actionable to work toward can be hugely rewarding. Plus, pushing themselves hard and achieving great results can do wonders for their long-term motivation and devotion.

For example, you can run an exercise challenge where your clients have a specific plan for doing a given exercise every day. The ultimate goal would be for them to double their current performance in thirty days.

A weight loss challenge can also work great. For example, you can push them to start tracking their food intakes for a month and see how it impacts them. To make this work, have them keep you updated each week.


5. Systems Are Everything

Running a business can be tough, and you don’t need to make it more challenging by doing things differently every time. You need a system to automate as much of the coaching process as possible.

For instance, that system can include assessments, working with new clients, and automating specific messages. This will allow some part of your business to run smoothly, so you don’t have to worry about every little detail.

Email services are also a blessing because you can add all of your clients’ emails there. You can create email autoresponders, schedule individual emails, and create announcements.

Reminders are also fantastic for keeping up with your clients without consistently having to check the calendar. Some services offer the feature of notifying you when your client needs attention soon (for example, because their workout program is ending).


Pro Pro


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Enterprise Enterprise


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  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch