Virtual personal training

How to run virtual training classes?

Virtual training classes aren’t a novel idea. Fitness professionals have been delivering at home workouts to the public for generations through VHS tapes, DVD’s and now on-demand and streaming. The Information Age, or the Digital Age, has changed the accessibility and delivery methods available, allowing trainers to tap into a much wider audience and grow their business in ways that were previously unattainable.

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How to stay connected with clients

How to Stay Connected with Your Clients During the Pandemic

Connecting with your clients during these trying times can be challenging. With gyms and training facilities still closed, meeting your clients is not an option.

This presents a problem because losing the connection with your clients makes it incredibly difficult to keep them motivated and engaged. Plus, with the accountability factor gone, clients often forget why they started, and many find themselves backsliding or giving up.

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Setting Up a Weekly Meal Plan Using Google Calendar

Meal planning has become a hot topic in the fitness world as of late. Everywhere you look, there’s yet another piece of content, touting the idea of planning.
And with the arrival of the new year, most people have set out to change their nutrition completely, or, at the very least, eat a bit more healthily from now on.

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Generate Hundreds of Fitness Leads

Over the past 18 months, my team and I have generated thousands of leads for hundreds of fitness studios and independent gyms around the world. In doing so, we’ve spent a ton of time and money testing and figuring out exactly what does and doesn’t work when it comes to lead generation for fitness business. And that’s exactly what I share with you here today.

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Pro Pro


Our most popular plan!

  • Ranging from 50–500 clients
  • For the pro that wants to take control of the details
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch

Enterprise Enterprise


  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch