Prospects into clients and grow your business

Turn Prospects Into Paying Clients With These 3 Strategies

Let me ask you this:  Are you struggling to make enough sales? Despite your efforts, you can’t seem to hit your goals and wonder what the problem is?  Do you ever feel like you should be making more sales?  And the worst part:

You’re dedicated to marketing yourself well, and you do everything you can to set yourself up for success. But despite all of that effort, you struggle.


I’ve found myself working hard to create unique programs and putting a lot of effort into marketing, only to see many interested people, none of whom sign-up. It’s not a pleasant experience. It can be discouraging and make you feel helpless. What to do next? More importantly, how to turn these prospects into paying clients?

Here are three solid strategies that work:

1. Understand Your Niche

Fitness itself is a niche. But there are many sub-niches, and you need to understand who you’re marketing for.  Are your marketing efforts attracting the attention of a specific type of person? Do your free content, copy, and expertise reflect your true targets?


For instance, say that you’re targeting middle-aged moms looking to lose baby weight and tone up. That’s great. But does your marketing and the way you describe your program discuss their unique difficulties?
•    Dealing with anxiety and overwhelm
•    Not being able to lose weight
•    Struggling to understand what the right path is


If a prospect comes across your website, program, or landing page, would they honestly consider you the solution to their problem? This is something you need to think about deeply as you create programs, market yourself, and communicate with prospects.  Does this mean these are the only people you can market to? Absolutely not. You can still advertise to a broader audience and attract some people outside your main target. But you need to have a clear idea of who your primary market is and produce a targeted strategy to attract these people.


2. Work On Your Sales Copy

Yes, I know. Writing a sales copy might make you feel sleazy and pushy. But this is an inevitable part of online marketing, and you need to get it right.  If you struggle out of principle, remind yourself that you’re doing this to help people. By producing a good sales copy, you’re doing potential clients a favor because you will deliver long-lasting results, so long as they choose you.


Now, ask yourself this:

Does your website, social media page, or landing page have a “Can’t possibly look away.” type of call to action? If a random person visits your website, would the copy be of interest and urge them to contact you or place an order? Forget that. Would it even be easy for them to navigate and find your sales material within a few clicks of the mouse?  Is there clear information on how you can help them, how much it will cost, and what results they can expect?


If your landing page is getting decent traffic, but only a limited number of people are clicking the Purchase button, you might want to consider hiring a professional copywriter. This is a worthwhile investment because a good copy can increase the conversion rate by a lot. And even if you’re operating on a tight budget, you can find many decent copywriters and website designers for an affordable price.


3. Display Social Proof

Social proof is vital for your business success. Think back to the last three significant purchases you made. How many of these did you make blindly and without doing any research? If you’re like most people, probably none. Then why expect prospects to trust you and open their wallets if you’re not showing any positive reviews or testimonials from people?


Granted, we all start somewhere. If you don’t have paying customers, it could be challenging to display any testimonials. But you can always find a way to show you’ve helped people.  For instance, if you receive an email or direct message from a person praising your work, ask permission to display it on your website. Or maybe someone has asked you for advice over email, and you’ve given them a comprehensive reply? Ask them to share a few good words about you.


There is always a way to build up some social proof, and the best way to do that is by asking people you’ve helped. Of course, if you have any current clients, ask them for a short written or recorded testimonial.


Pro Pro


Our most popular plan!

  • Ranging from 50–500 clients
  • For the pro that wants to take control of the details
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch

Enterprise Enterprise


  • Multiple trainers and over 1,000 clients
  • Designed for a business that has more than one trainer
  • Ability to fully edit and customize
  • Build your own plans from scratch