Adriana A.


Most people know that our bodies and minds perform according to the fuel we provide them. Proper nutrition and meal planning are essential in order to achieve any kind of fat loss or fitness goals. 

What inspired you to add meal planning services to your business?

Most people know that our bodies and minds perform according to the fuel we provide them. Proper nutrition and meal planning are essential in order to achieve any kind of fat loss or fitness goals. So, Evolution Nutrition was a great solution to make coaching more efficient.

What 3 things would you tell someone who is looking to start meal planning for their clients?
  1. To ask a lot of questions regarding the clients' preferences and schedules- no point in developing a meal plan that a client is not going to follow. 
  2. To check-in with them regularly and encourage them to communicate.
  3. To be flexible - it's hard for people to make changes and sometimes, you have to change the plan according to the upcoming circumstances.
How has Evolution Nutrition helped your business?

Trying to figure out the adequate number of calories as well as macronutrients to develop an individualized program is time-consuming. Evolution Nutrition has saved me a lot of hours and made me more efficient.

How do you motivate your clients to stay on track with their meal plans?

By having open lines of communication and allowing them to express likes, dislikes, and challenges. In that way, I can address their concerns and help them move forward. It's also good to provide positive reinforcement to keep clients engaged and encouraged.

What is your general healthy eating philosophy?

I believe that having more of a balanced macronutrient breakdown is the way to go, choosing organic and only eating processed foods sparingly.

What ways of eating have you found to be most successful for clients with weight loss goals?

Introducing intermittent fasting and decreasing/eliminating simple carbs.

What 3 foods do you suggest everyone make part of their day?

Veggies and fruits, good quality protein with most of their meals, and a good fat (avocados, coconut oil or MCT, butters, hemp or chia seeds).

What does an average day in your own life look like, food-wise?

If I'm home, I'm having organic and grass-fed or wild-caught foods. I do 16/8 intermittent fasting 4 days a week, have protein smoothies or eggs, a big salad with chicken or fish, quinoa or another good carb with steak, and a snack like almond butter. On the weekends, my diet is more relaxed.

What type of exercise do you encourage your clients to do?

I always encourage them to incorporate strength training, a lot of compound movements, and to train in circuits to keep their heart rate up and accelerate their metabolism.

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